Monday, July 21, 2008

Summer visitor

The kids were all excited about this snake they seen in a tree. It's not uncommon to see them on the ground, but in the tree? It was pretty cool and yet..? Well, I think I'll be looking up more when I'm outside.
These are a couple of pieces that I recently got done. I used liquitex acrylics and prismacolor markers. I really enjoyed making them. I don't know if they're any good to anyone but me. Still, I had a lot of fun.
Today, was very stressful. I think the heat magnifies it. We don't use our air conditioning. It costs too much. After the kids had been fighting and antagonizing each other for awhile, and I had to repeat myself umpteen times I was getting seriously crabby. Later in the day, my oldest son helped clean the kitchen and made supper all by himself (with minimal assistance). I was able to work on a bit of art. I immediately felt some relief. Art is very healing. Thank God for art!!!!!


artisbliss said...

I'm totally with you on the therapeutic qualities of art. I don't know what I'd do without it some days.

artisbliss said...

Me again--just dropping in to say the woman I was in the Gallery with the other day is planning on coming back later this week (she lives in KC but her mom is still here) and purchasing your sunflower piece. Good for you!!