Sunday, September 14, 2008

Hand picked bouquets

These are some lovely flowers that my children picked for me. I would so much rather have hand picked than boughten flowers. Dandilions, when hand picked, often break my heart.

The weather is changing, and with it the landscape. Soon leaves will be turning. Children change as quickly and often as the seasons. I pray God will help me relax from my own busyness to enjoy and savor the time with them. They're babies, you blink, and they grow up. It's amazing that God allows such imperfect people to raise them. What an awesome responsability, and an incredible blessing. There are so many things I wish I did better, but all you can do is your best. My children are good kids, and this is the grace of God, as is anything else good that comes from me. This is fact.

2 Cor 12:9, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."


Ann Haritatos said...

Melicia, your words and your photo are beautiful and helped me with my day! Thank you!!

artisbliss said...

You're absolutely right about raising children, and it requires all the grace we're given.