Tuesday, October 28, 2008

School House

Yesterday, on the way home from picking my children up from school, we took a detour. There used to be what looked like an old church. They took it down and replaced it with a newer, safer shed. I stopped and thought I'd like to take a few photos. Fortunate for me the owner happened by.

These are a few of the photos I took. There are more on my flickr site. It turns out that the barn used to be an old school house. It is fun to imagine what went on there. Childrens coat hooks still remained in the small three room place. Waynes coating was along the bottom of the walls; not typical of your average barn. My kids enjoyed the detour too, especially the older ones.

I'm not sure why I like this coffee can shot, but I do.

I've always liked these old milk cans. And what is it about rust that is so appealing? I think it is the combination of colors and texture.

I did not get very good pics of the inside. The lighting was not so good. You can see the front door, and a window below that. I wanted to check out the ladder going up, but didn't want my children to follow me.

It seems odd the things we have no problem with ourselves, but do not wish our children to do. Motorcycles are a perfect example. I've always loved them, but am still a bit skidish about my kids on them.


artisbliss said...

Wonderful photos, Melicia.

Ann Haritatos said...

I always love your photos. This is just the kind of place I would long to stop, take pictures, and wonder about, but I always seem to be in too big a hurry. Thanks for sharing this with us.