Monday, November 10, 2008

Making Sense Of It All

It isn't unusual for me to get distracted on the way to the store or anywhere for that matter. On a recent diversion, my oldest son and I stopped at the cemetary. The fall colors were beautiful; and we had fun looking at the different names.
Sents would be a nice name. We could all use a little more sense. :)
Anyway... moving on.. This lead to when things don't make sense, and I remembered a dream I had some years ago. (Hang with me.)
It was one of those trapped dreams. It was dark room, isolated, with no way out. There were three doors. The door through which I had come, had a wall built over it, so there was no going back the same way I came. The second door I didn't even want to look at, because it was so scary. Then the third door was not really a way out, but another entrance. It was locked from my side, so I could only look out.
After trying frantically to find a way out, I became exhausted and gave up. As I looked around the dreary room I noticed the lamp was a beautiful shade of green. My favorite color. How or why could something so beautiful be in there?It became a lovely distraction. Later, God would provide a way out.
Lamaze teaches to find a focal point during the most intense and painful moments of labor.
I also recall a story about man who had been kept in solitary in prison and tortured for years. He said that he survived by building a house from foundation to finishing touches in his mind. He had been a contractor prior to this time, so this is what he knew. Board by board, nail by nail, piece by piece. The details brought distraction and enabled him to have a place where things made sense.
What is your distraction?

1 comment:

artisbliss said...

I know the Sents family. They're good people with a farming background.