Tuesday, December 16, 2008

First real snow of year

The weather has been more odd than usual for Kansas. It has been unseasonably warm for the most part. Now it feels like winter. ugh.
These trees are just outside my bedroom window. The two younger boys spent much time looking out to watch the snowfall. My four year old took me for a tour of the snow covered yard.
Remember how exciting the first snow was when we were children?

This is ye old chicken house. It's not in the greatest shape, but it looks cool with snow on it. I do not like the cold, but I love living in the country.

1 comment:

artisbliss said...

We're enjoying the snow, too. My youngest got my husband to take him sledding last night and returned absolutely COVERED in snow, mostly because he decided to roll down the hill on the last time instead of using the sled. Kids.